In general, patients visiting our emergency service are seen on a “first-come, first-served” basis (rather than by scheduled appointments). More life-threatening cases, however, must take priority over others. If you feel your pet’s condition is life threatening, please notify our staff immediately upon arrival so our doctor can perform an examination without delay. As this exam is conducted in the treatment area, you will not be present with your pet. The doctor will, however, still meet with you personally as soon as possible to discuss findings and arrange a treatment plan. If your pet is in critical condition, you may be asked to sign a release allowing immediate treatment. Although we are often able to meet with clients immediately, the unpredictable nature and severity of emergency cases may at times create delays, just as in human emergency rooms. Unlike a regular veterinary hospital, we cannot “schedule” emergency appointments. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make you more comfortable during any wait.